Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Bye Bye Now! is an amusing, poignant documentary about the fate of the Irish phone box which has gone from the centre of society to the verge of extinction.

We Irish are known for the having the gift of the gab. As a nation we love to talk, But until the 1980s most houses in Ireland were without telephones. Until this time, the humble phone box was our chosen method of instant communication. It was at the heart of our lives.

Now, however, the phone box is on the way out. First came the house phones, then the e-mails, then cell phones and texts - evolving technology which led the way for the demise of the phone box.

This short documentary intertwines wonderful anecdotes with the warmest of characters as they recount their memories of the small concrete structure that was so important in rural Ireland.

Bye Bye Now! is a bitter sweet tribute to the phone box, a historical document and a barometer of how much we've changed with the times. Light-hearted, sensitive, engaging and entertaining, each character tells a different story.


  1. Conratulations on your award at Cork Film Festival. I am interested in buying a copy of the film Bye Bye Now as I'm sure my house will feature as it is opposite the phone box in Castletownshend. In fact we spoke to you when you were filming there. Please let me know if it is available on DVD and the cost?

  2. Hi Andrew,

    I didn't realise this comment was here until now! Apologies.

    Here's a link to the film:

